
Contact Information

General Education


Anthony Santamaria, Ph.D.

Annunciation Center 315
Phone: (973) 290-4338

SEU Essentials Course Descriptions

SEU100: Foundations in Literacy

Designed for students who specifically need enrichment in literacy skills sets, the course will comprise of a student cohort, and involve an integrated learning community of developmentally structured contextual expository writing\literacy instruction, coupled with content-area instruction on the theme of how to live a healthy life, broadly construed. Two instructors will collaborate, the first, a literacy specialist, and the second, a content-area specialist, one of whom will also be a First Year Advisor to the cohort. The content will be infused with training on foundational Mission and Values, diversity, relationships, and leadership, as well as foundational information literacy, presentation skills, and technology and software. In addition, the course will be aligned with one or two community events related to Mission and Values and/or Student Life. The start of the SEU Essentials ePortfolio will be incorporated for the students involved.

  • Must be taken with the aligned 2 credit context lab, SEU100CL.
  • Basic Writing Placement students only.
  • Co-requisite: SEU100CL. 4 Credits.

SEU100CL - Foundations in Lit Context Lab

Designed for students who specifically need enrichment in literacy skills sets, this is the lab that will provide the contextual basis for the literacy skills instruction in SEU100. Must be taken with the aligned section of SEU100.

  • Basic Writing Placement students only.
  • Co-requisite: SEU100. 4 Credits.

SEU110: Integrated Literacy I

Designed for all students, the course will comprise of a student cohort, and involve an integrated learning community of developmentally structured argument and persuasive writing\literacy instruction, coupled with content-area instruction on the continuing theme of how to live a healthy life, broadly construed. Two instructors will collaborate, the first, a literacy specialist, and the second, a content-area specialist, one of whom will also be a First Year Advisor to the cohort. The content will be infused with training on emerging Mission and Values, diversity, relationships, and leadership, as well as emerging information literacy, presentation skills, technology and software, and foundational informal logic/generalized critical thinking. In addition, the course will be aligned with one or two community events related to Mission and Values and/or Student Life. The start or continuation of the SEU Essentials ePortfolio will be incorporated for the students involved.

  • Must be taken with the aligned 2 credit context lab, SEU110CL.
  • Prerequisite: English Composition I Placement, or SEU100.
  • Co-requisite: SEU110CL. 4 Credits.

SEU110CL - Integrated Lit I Context Lab

Designed for students who specifically need enrichment in literacy skills sets, this is the lab that will provide the contextual basis for the literacy skills instruction in SEU100.

  • Must be taken with the aligned section of SEU110.
  • Prerequisite: SEU110 placement or SEU100.
  • Co-requisite: SEU110. 4 Credits.

SEU120: Integrated Literacy II

Designed for all students, the course will comprise of a student cohort, and involve an integrated learning community of developmentally structured contextual research writing and advanced information literacy instruction, coupled with content-area instruction on the concluding theme of how to live a healthy life, broadly construed. Two instructors will collaborate, the first, a literacy specialist, and the second, a content-area specialist, one of whom will also be a First Year Advisor to the cohort. The content will be infused with training on intermediate Mission and Values, diversity, relationships, and leadership, as well as intermediate presentation skills, technology and software, and emerging informal logic/generalized critical thinking. In addition, the course will be aligned with one or two community events related to Mission and Values and/or Student Life. The continuation of the SEU Essentials ePortfolio will be incorporated for the students involved.

  • Must be taken with the aligned 2-credit context lab, SEU120CL.
  • Prerequisite: SEU110.
  • Co-requisite: SEU120CL. 4 Credits.

SEU120CL - Integrated Lit II Context Lab

Designed for students who specifically need enrichment in literacy skills sets, this is the lab that will provide the contextual basis for the literacy skills instruction in SEU120.

  • Must be taken with the aligned section of SEU120.
  • Prerequisite: SEU110.
  • Co-requisite: SEU120. 4 Credits.

SEU195: Writing Seminar

Designed for all transfer and Continuing Studies students who are exempt from taking SEU110 and SEU120, the course will serve as an introduction to SEU’s general education curriculum and Mission and Values. It will involve developmentally structured research writing and advanced information literacy instruction, as well as some integrated or aligned training in presentation skills, technology and software, and informal logic/generalized critical thinking. A reflective component on the student’s general education experiences will be incorporated; students will create a reflective pre-capstone portfolio (ePortfolio) regarding the general education experience.

  • Prerequisite: English Composition I and II at an accredited institution. 4 Credits.

SEU210: Global Perspectives

Designed for all students, this is an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary team taught course where students will be invited to learn about the world and the human community from multiple points of view. Students will explore the implications that world geography has on history, culture, and language. They will examine how factors such as culture, religion, race, socioeconomic status, and philosophical beliefs influence how world events and global challenges are interpreted by people. In addition, students will become more aware of the kinds of information that affect the human being both locally and globally, and of the impact that technology and scientific events have on the human condition.

  • Meets SEU Essentials Element II Outcome 2.1.
  • Prerequisite: SEU 110. 4 credits.

SEU220/220M: Ways of Knowing

Designed for all students, this is an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary team taught course where students will be invited to learn about the languages, practices, and relationships between and among the arts, humanities, and sciences. Specifically, students will explore the human experience from the standpoint of the arts and humanities, learn about scientific reasoning is a method of investigation, examine social issues, and ultimately become familiar with how these different ways of knowing connect with each other and provide a complete perspective on the world and the human community. Where mathematics is also integrated into the course, students will develop basic college-level computational skills, and the ability to organize and interpret qualitative and quantitative data. Meets SEU Essentials Element II Outcome 2.2, and satisfies the college-level mathematics requirement where the course code includes the "M" suffix.

  • Prerequisite: SEU 110. 4 credits.

SEU230: Healthy Living

Designed for all students, this interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary team taught course is designed to provide students with some of the necessary knowledge and skills for living a healthier life. From the standpoint of two or three disciplines, students will learn about the characteristics of emotionally healthy persons and interpersonal relationships, as well as the natures and importance of self-reflection and empathy. Students will also gain knowledge and experience concerning the importance of teamwork, conflict resolution, personal integrity, and good character. Overall, they will develop an understanding of healthy decision-making, and how to live a healthier life.

  • Meets SEU Essentials Element II Outcome 2.3.
  • Prerequisite: SEU 110. 4 credits.

SEU300: Faith, Spirituality, and Ethics I

Designed for all students, this is a collaboratively taught interdisciplinary course on faith, spirituality, and ethics that includes the integration of an embedded service learning component. As such, it satisfies all SEU Essentials Element III requirements. Students will learn about the natures of faith and spirituality, and their significance within the human community, as well as develop the ability to be empowered moral agents. Students will also engage in service learning projects or activities involving a minimum of 20 hours of service in which they will apply and engage the principles learned in the content component of the course.

  • This course must be taken concurrently with SEU300SL.
  • Prerequisite: SEU110, and at least one of: SEU210, SEU220 or SEU230, or permission from the Director of General Education. 4 credits.

SEU300SL: Integrated Service-Learning

Taken concurrently with SEU300, this is the integrated service learning lab. It involves a minimum of 20 hours of service in which students apply and engage the principles of faith, spirituality, and ethics learned in SEU300.

  • Co-requisite: SEU 300. This course cannot be taken independently of SEU 300.

SEU310: Faith, Spirituality, and Ethics II

Designed for all students, this is a collaboratively taught interdisciplinary course on faith, spirituality, and ethics with an optional service learning component. Students will learn about the natures of faith and spirituality, and their significance within the human community, as well as develop the ability to be empowered moral agents. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in service learning projects or activities involving a minimum of 20 hours of service in which they will apply and engage the principles learned in the content component of the course.

  • The course satisfies all SEU Essentials Element III Requirements when taken with the aligned service learning lab, SEU310SL. Otherwise, this course must be taken either concurrently with, or be followed by SEU310SL taken either by itself, or as aligned with an approved Element III service learning course within the major, or an open elective, in order to satisfy such requirements.
  • Prerequisite: SEU110, and at least one of: SEU210, SEU220 or SEU230, or permission from the Director of General Education. 4 credits.

SEU310SL: Aligned Service-Learning Lab

This is the aligned service learning lab taken either concurrently with SEU310, or post SEU310 as part of an independently mentored service learning project, or with a course from the major or open-elective that is approved for the Element III service learning component . It involves a minimum of 20 hours of service in which students apply and engage the principles of faith, spirituality, and ethics learned in SEU310.

  • Co-requisite or prerequisite: SEU 310.
    By itself, this course satisfies only the service learning requirement for Element III;
    SEU310 must also be completed to satisfy all Element III requirements.

SEU400: Essentials Capstone

This seminar course will provide students with the opportunity to reflect upon and consider their whole SEU Essentials leaning experience. The key focus of the course will be the integration, exploration, and application of the SEU Essentials learning experience through the development by each student of a mentored capstone ePortfolio. Students will reflect upon all of their SEU Essentials courses and activities in relation to their other curricular and con-curricular work, as well as to lifelong learning. Students will also examine the ethical implications of contemporary issues by applying knowledge in various disciplines; they will explore some of the deepest questions about life, and they will develop an understanding of the common ground among different points of view. Satisfies SEU Essentials Element IV Requirements.

  • Prerequisite: Completion of all requirements for SEU Essentials Elements I, II, and III. 4 credits.