SEU Promise

Contact Information

Student Success Center


Dr. Delores Sarfo-Darko Farmer

Mahoney, Student Success Center, Room 3
Phone: (973) 290-4468


SEU Promise

What is SEU Promise?

Saint Elizabeth University has established SEU Promise (SEUP) to provide students with a career development program specifically designed to supplement formal classroom education. We believe that students who actively engage in fulfilling all program requirements are more likely to succeed in their professional or educational endeavors after college.

SEUP integrates classroom instruction, experiential education, servant leadership, and career-focused workshops. It is structured so that each year of the program builds on the previous one, helping students prepare for their next career step after graduation.

First and second-year students identify their knowledge, skills and abilities through the use of FOCUS2 (a career planning system), fulfill basic career development requirements, become engaged in campus events and are encouraged to gain experience in the student's scope of preparation through volunteering. In addition, second year students are matched with an off-campus professional mentor in order to support their career preparation and exploration.

During junior year, students refine understanding of their knowledge, skills, and abilities, create an advanced, well-developed resume, gain experience in their scope of preparation through an internship or research assignment, and engage in an enhanced understanding of financial planning for the years beyond college. Senior year students strengthen their interviewing and networking skills appropriate to the job search through an advanced internship, student teaching opportunity, and/or research assignment.

In addition to workshops, students attend at least one career fair and learn how to conduct an effective job search. All students are required to meet regularly with the director of the Career Center during their college career.

Our Promise states that if any student, who fully participates in our program for all four years of the SEU experience, does not receive a job offer or is not accepted into a graduate/professional school within six months of graduation, the University will find a paid six-month internship.*

* - Terms and conditions apply. See the SEUP Agreement for details.