
Contact Information

Office of the Registrar

Santa Rita Hall 218

Phone: (973) 290-4460

Hours of Operation:

M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm


Saint Elizabeth University hosts one commencement ceremony per year in May. Graduating students from August, December, and May who have completed their degree program will be invited to participate in the commencement ceremony. (Example: August 2024, December 2024, May 2025 - will be invited to Commencement May 2025).

This year's Commencement will be on Friday, May 16, 2025. The Hooding Ceremony for graduate students (Master’s and Doctoral) will be on the Tuesday before Commencement, while practice for Commencement is typically held the Wednesday prior to Commencement, and the Commencement Mass is held on Thursday the day before Commencement.

Important information regarding applying for graduation is sent to students throughout the academic year. Specifications that surround commencement are usually sent to the graduates in March.

Degree Candidacy

To receive a degree, students are recommended to the Board of Trustees as degree candidates. The acquisition of candidacy status is a serious responsibility of each student who anticipates receiving a degree within the academic year.

Each year undergraduate/graduate students must complete a graduation application (form can be found below) and submit it to the Registrar's Office declaring their intent to complete their degree.

Graduation Application


During the Commencement Ceremony in May, as each candidate's name is announced, they will approach the platform and shake hands with the President, General Superior, and Sister of Charity Chairperson of the University's Board of Trustees. An empty degree case will be handed to the student and photos will be taken of each graduate as the process across the stage.

After the Commencement Ceremony in May, diplomas will be distributed to students whose accounts are in good standing via mail. Diplomas will not be handed out during or following the ceremony and will come directly from Parchment (third party servicer). Diplomas can take up to three months post ceremony to reach your certified address. International Students will need to provide a US address to mail the diploma to.

Degree Audit

Once a student has completed their graduation application, their records will be audited:

  • Undergraduate students by the Advisor(s)
  • Graduate students by their Program Director(s)

to determine if all program requirements have been met. The student will be apprised of the results of this audit. Following the completion of the audit, the program director or advisor will send a copy to the Registrar's Office for a final review.

If the degree audit determines that a student needs fewer than 2 course/8 credits to graduate, then the student can petition the Provost to walk at Commencement, provide that the advisor and relevant College dean approve, and that the student has a documented plan for completely all requirements in the summer after Commencement.

Final Transcripts

Each student is entitled to one official transcript of their academic record without charge, after the degree has been recorded. These records will be mailed to the address notated on the graduation application. Note: In the United States of America, the Official Academic Transcript is the legal document representing the notification of award, not the diploma.

If you should need a copy of your academic transcript following commencement, please visit the Transcript Requests page and use the link for the National Student Clearinghouse.

Commencement Speakers

Each division of the University (Undergraduate and Graduate) selects a graduating student to present a speech at the Commencement Ceremony. The President of the Student Government Association serves as the Undergraduate speaker. Graduate Students who are interested in preparing a speech for presentation to a selection committee should contact the Dean of their program.

Academic Honors

President’s List, Provost’s List, and Dean's List

Saint Elizabeth University recognizes the achievements of its undergraduate scholars with three categories of academic distinction:

  • President's List (GPA of 3.85-4.0)
  • Provost's List (GPA of 3.7-3.84)
  • Dean's List (GPA of 3.5-3.69)

The President’s, Provost’s, and Dean’s Lists for full-time matriculated students is issued at the close of each semester (fall and spring). The Lists for part-time students is issued once at the end of the academic year.

To be eligible for the President’s, Provost’s, or Dean’s Lists, full-time students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 credits (excluding credits taken in pass/fail courses and audited courses) during the eligible semester with a minimum semester grade point average as outlined above for the relevant List. Courses which the student elects to take on a pass/fail basis are also excluded from credit calculation. Students with grades of Incomplete (I), No Credit (NC), and/or Failure (F) are not eligible for the Lists.

Part-time students must accumulate a minimum of 15 credits (excluding credits taken in pass/fail courses and audited courses) during an academic year, beginning with the fall semester and ending with the summer sessions, and must maintain a minimum grade point average as outlined above for the relevant List. Students with grades of Incomplete (I) and/or Failure (F) are not eligible for the Lists.

Transfer credits and/or Saint Elizabeth University Intersession courses are excluded from the determination of eligibility for Academic Honors.

Graduation Honors

Undergraduate Students

Degrees are awarded with Honor as follows: Cum Laude to students who achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 to 3.69 in all academic work, Magna Cum Laude to students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.70 to 3.84 in all academic work, and Summa Cum Laude is given to students who achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.85 to 4.0 in all academic work. Graduation honors are computed at the completion of all credits for the degree. These honors are printed on the diploma such as: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Cum Laude.

  • 3.5-3.69 – Cum Laude
  • 3.7-3.84 – Magna Cum Laude
  • 3.85-4.0 – Summa Cum Laude

These honors are also noted on the transcript.

Departmental Honors are also awarded to undergraduate students who have attained a 3.7 grade point average in all courses in the major and who have passed the comprehensive examination with honor. Departmental Honors include all course work for the degree. These honors are announced at the commencement ceremony but are not written on the diploma. Departmental Honors are noted on the transcript.

Graduate Students

Graduate students do not receive graduation honors.